Women’s Experiences with Medication for Menstrual Regulation

The use of medication for menstrual regulation is new in our society. Women were strongly influenced by health providers when deciding which method to use. There is a need to educate not only women of reproductive age, but also communities as a whole, about medication for menstrual regulation, with a particular emphasis on cost and branding the medication. Continued efforts to improve counselling by providers about the dose, medication and side-effects of medication for menstrual regulation, along with education of the community about medication as an option for menstrual regulation, will help to de-stigmatise the procedure and the women who seek it.

This paper sought to understand women’s experiences using medication for menstrual regulation in Bangladesh. Here, most of the women had positive experiences with medication for menstrual regulation and successful outcomes, regardless of whether they obtained their medication from medicine sellers/pharmacies, doctors or clinics.


Marlow, H. M., Biswas, K., Griffin, R., & Menzel, J. (2016). Women’s experiences with medication for menstrual regulation in Bangladesh. Culture, health & sexuality, 18(3), 349-360.


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