Our Members
Voices for Interactive Choice and Empowerment (VOICE)
About the organisation
VOICE is a right based research and advocacy organization working mainly on the issues of human rights– right to information and communication justice, privacy rights and data protection, freedom of expression, digital rights as well as around the issues of aid and development effectiveness, economic justice, food sovereignty, climate change, countering hate speech & misinformation, public health programme etc, both in Bangladesh and on a global scale. By building a broader constituency of alternative voices to the mainstream development discourse through research and public education, VOICE takes a stand against unjust and undemocratic practices.
It strategically works through networking and partnership for a new development paradigm establishing a micro-macro linkage in order to generate increased support for policy influencing. It works with a team of activists on research and action and believes in promoting the capacity, knowledge and empowerment of people.
It has been doing research and advocacy activities in collaboration with Privacy International-UK, Global Partner Associates-UK ( funded by Foreign and Commonwealth Organization), Open Net Initiative (ONI)-Canada ( funded by IDRC), Bank Information Centre- USA, EURODAD-Belgium, and Asia Pacific Research Network and Reality of Aid Network, Jubilee South Asia Pacific Movement on Debt and Development being their active member etc,. VOICE is also a member of Association of Progressive Communication (APC), Communication Rights in the Information Society (CRIS), World Association of Christian Communication (WACC), World Association of Community Radio Broadcasters (AMARC), NGO Forum on ADB etc,. VOICE has been playing important role promoting post 2015 development agenda and it plays the role being co-chair of Global CSO Forum during High Level Meeting held in Bali, Indonesia.
Address: House 35, Block-Ka, Pisciculture Housing Society, Shyamoli, Dhaka
Website: https://voicebd.org/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/voiceupdates
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCkbWit9LH9DAZ0Nk-JriKHQ
SRHR publications/research
Violence Against Women
Promote and Protect Women rights through advocacy and generating research-based evidence on violence against women during COVID-19, funded by APC
Campaign for action against online gender-based violence in Bangladesh, funded by APC/ SIDA
Public Health
Capacity building on responsible communication of media on Zoonotic Viral Spillover in Bangladesh, funded by Internews/ EJN/ USAID
Initiative for Tactical Engagement and Robust Actions for Controlling Tobacco (INTERACT), funded by CTFK
Conducting survey at restaurants to explore tobacco company’s tactics to establish designated smoking Areas (DSAs) to allure youths for smoking, funded by CTFK.
Freedom of Expression
Defending and Strengthening Freedom of Expression on the Internet in Bangladesh, funded by Global Partners Associate/ Foreign and Commonwealth Organization (FCO)
Strengthening and Monitoring the Scenario of Freedom of Expression for Promoting Human Rights in Bangladesh, funded by UNDP Bangladesh
Assessment of Freedom of Expression Online in Bangladesh: Analyzing Regulatory Framework and Advocacy for Strengthening Online Expression, funded by APC/ SIDA
Covid-19 and Communications Crisis in Bangladesh: A Rapid Response and Campaign Project, funded by APC
Online Safety, Privacy and Data Protection
Ensuring online safety and responsible use of internet among netizens through research and campaign, funded by APC
Talking data to the fourth pillar: A collaborative effort at democratizing the data protection discourse in India and Bangladesh by building the capacities of media professionals, funded by APC
Internet Censorship, Surveillance and Information Control Mechanism: A Review of the Bangladesh Context, funded by Open Net Initiative (ONI)/ IDRC
Surveillance and Freedom: Global Understandings and Rights Development (SAFEGUARD), funded by Privacy International/ IDRC
Access to Information
Access to Information and Protecting People’s Right to Privacy, funded by Privacy International/ IDRC
Internet Freedom
Greater Internet Freedom (GIF) project, funded by Internews/ USAID
OPTIMA, funded by Internews/ USAID
Development Aid
Beyond 2015 Asia: Policy to Action Media Challenge, funded by Beyond 2015 Network/SIDA
Civic Space
Civic Engagement to Create Enabling Environment and Protect Civic Space in Bangladesh during Covid-19, funded by International Center for Not-for-Profit Law (ICNL)/ USAID
Misinformation and Counter Hate Speech
Misinformation and Communications Crisis during Covid-19 in Bangladesh, funded by APC/ European Commission
Capacity Building Program on Counter Hate Speech and Infodemic of Misinformation, funded by APC
Environment Justice
Strengthening Circular approaches for Environmental Sustainability, funded by APC
Research and Advocacy on the implementation of the e-waste management act for environmental sustainability, funded by APC
Strengthening environmental sustainability through safer e-waste management technologies, funded by APC
Our Publications: https://voicebd.org/publications/