Our Members
Help Foundation
About the organisation
HELP FOUNDATION is a Non-political, non-profit and Non-Government Voluntary Development Organization formed with the initiatives of a few committed and dedicated social workers and philanthropists. Help Foundation was established with the aim to promote human and socio-economical development for underprivileged people.
The philosophy of the organization is based on the conviction the paramount need of the men / women / Children both urban and rural is not relief but release from the prison of poverty, Its main focus is to promote the socio-economic conditions of the under-privileged, distillate landless and economically poor people especially women through Organization, Education, Training, Participation and joint activities.
Vision, Mission & Goals
Help Foundation dreams of a society where without any discrimination and division of sex, caste, or color, the people will enjoy full dignity and enable themselves to be involved an participate in the mainstream development for sustainability and empowerment.
Help Foundation works with people whose lives are dominated by extreme poverty, illiteracy, disease and handicaps. With multifaceted development intervention Help Foundation strives to bring about positive change in the quality of life of the poor people in Bangladesh. Help Foundation desire to make the organization financially and structurally strong ensuring optimum utilization of public and private resources as well as collecting resources from internal and external sources.
Help Foundation is dedicated to improving the socio-economic status of disadvantaged people. To Promote the Socio-economics of underprivileged men/ women/ children both urban and rural through motivation, people’s organization, non-formal education, training and mobilizing of available resources, i.e. manpower, water and soil. To achieve the aims Help Foundation focuses on 2 fundamental inter-related objectives, which are alleviation of property and empowerment of powerless people.
Objectives of the Organization:
Help Foundation has been working to achieve the underneath objectives:
- To raise awareness on moral and legal rights and undertake of adequate arrangements protecting these rights within the community.
- To provide financial and technical support to enhance capacity and create employment opportunities among destitute and landless people.
- To ensure the bright sight of poor and vulnerable children, people with dispeoplebility and lagged sections of the community.
- To create an appropriate atmosphere of women empowerment through building up better gender relations and implementing the social economic and human rights of women
- To take primary care of the health of rural masses and help to build happy families.
- To increase the Literacy rate of the community people.
- To ensure Human Rights among the community people.
- To develop the Sound environmental situation
- To establish Social justice at the community level.
- To reduce the poverty alleviation of disadvantaged deals & urban people.
- To establish Indigenous people's rights.
Organization’s Structure:
According to the constitution, the organization has three committees: The General Body, The Executive committee and the Advisory Committee. The committees play a vital role to for overall management of the organization.
General Body: General body consists of 15 to 31 members. The members have voting power. The committee approves the whole year's activities of the organization in the annual general meeting. Currently there are 27 members in the body.
Executive Committee: The committee consists of seven members; one President, one vice-president, one secretary, one treasurer and four executive members. The committee is elected for 02 years by the general body.
Advisory Committee: Advisory committee consists of three members that provide consultative support for organizational development.
The organization has been established and continues its program operation based on a constitution legally approved by the registration authority.
The constitution stated the nature of the organization, clear objectives, working areas, formation of general and executive committees, roles and responsibilities of executive committee members including Chairman & Secretary, election procedure of the committee, the contribution of the members, management of the organization etc are clearly defined to run the organization smoothly. It also briefed the eligibility of membership, organizing structure, source of funding, holding executive committee meetings and AGM, decision-making procedure, financial administration, accounts and audits, amendment of different clauses and procedure of abolishing the organization. The Constitution is duly approved by the registration authority as per the relevant registration Act.
The Executive Committee (EC) plays a vital rolinor management of the organization. EC acts as the representative of the General Body. Seven members of EC are responsible to operate the total management of the organization. The Chairman headed the EC. The Executive Committee sits at quarterly intervals to review the activities of the organization. The committee discussed challenges and opportunities and take strategic decisions accordingly. Besides, a special meeting is also organized as and when required.
The Executive Committee (EC) is elected by the members of the General Body for two years. The General body meeting holds once in a year with the total activities of the year discussed and the activities of EC approved.
Human Resources
Help Foundation has skilled and experienced human resources to perform specific jobs in different programs and units. The respective personnel have expertise in their respective areas. Currently, organizations have a total of 115 staff involved in different programs where 60 are female (52%) and 55 are male (48%).
For the last couple of years the, the organization developed a number of staffs managing and implementing different programs including Health, poverty eradication, education and skill training. The organization has a large team having management and technical expertise to carry out education and training program of donor funded project.
Staff Category | Male | Female | Total |
Senior management | 3 | 4 | 7 |
Upper mid level management | 3 | 3 | 6 |
Mid level management | 5 | 6 | 11 |
Lower mid level management | 30 | 35 | 65 |
Lower level | 14 | 12 | 26 |
Total | 55 | 60 | 115 |
Monitoring and Evaluation:
The monitoring system of Help Foundation ensures a process of information gathering, problem analysis and finding solutions for continuous program improvement and management. Monitoring is done through a series of field visits, monthly progress review meetings, reporting, providing feedback and subsequent follow-up. Monitoring comprises with ensures the collected data and information from the field level, analyzing those to find out gaps, provide feedback and follow up the progress.
The Monitoring Unit of the organization carries out regular monitoring activities as planned, prepare monthly compiled report and submit to the senior management for decisions. Appropriate tools are used to collect data and information. The findings of monitoring are shared in monthly management meeting and are also sent to respective field offices for necessary rectification. The field offices take necessary measures according to the monitoring observations. Compliance reports are collected from the particular field staffs on the specific finding.
Help Foundation conducts midterm and post evaluation according to project plan that helps to take further decisions and initiatives for the management. Evaluation is conducted to measure results of a specific program as well as impact on the program participants. Evaluation gives a clear idea on the success of an intervention and recommends the areas need to improve.
Physical, Logistics and Communication Facilities:
Physical Facilities:
The organization has adequate physical, logistics and communication facilities to implement its program activities within its working locations. The Head Office of the organization is located at House: KA- 40/A/1, (2nd Floor), Shahid Harez Sorok, Nadda Bus Stand, Dhaka- 1212, Bangladesh with a facility of 3,000 sqft spaces (approx) of 10 rooms including office rooms, training venue, library, meeting room, vocational training center, staff accommodation and store room.
Logistics and Communication Facilities:
Sl | Types of Assets | Unit | Quantity | Condition |
1 | Car | Pcs | 01 | Good & Workable |
2 | Motorcycle | Pcs | 10 | Good & Workable |
3 | Bi-cycle | Pcs | 22 | Good & Workable |
4 | Desktop Computer | Pcs | 08 | Good & Workable |
5 | Color Monitor | Pcs | 08 | Good & Workable |
6 | Laptop Computer | Pcs | 05 | Good & Workable |
7 | Laser Printer | Pcs | 03 | Good & Workable |
8 | Scanner | Pcs | 03 | Good & Workable |
9 | Photocopy Machine | Pcs | 01 | Good & Workable |
10 | Color Television | Pcs | 02 | Good & Workable |
11 | Refrigerator | Pcs | 01 | Good & Workable |
12 | Air cooler | Pcs | 06 | Good & Workable |
13 | Internet Router | Pcs | 03 | Good & Workable |
14 | Telephone set | Pcs | 03 | Good & Workable |
15 | Land phone connection | - | 02 | Good & Workable |
16 | Steel Almiah | Pcs | 08 | Good & Workable |
17 | File Cabinet | Pcs | 10 | Good & Workable |
18 | Steel Shelf | Pcs | 08 | Good & Workable |
19 | Wooden Shelf | Pcs | 08 | Good & Workable |
20 | Steel Trunk | Pcs | 08 | Good & Workable |
21 | Meeting Table | Pcs | 02 | Good & Workable |
22 | Executive Table | Pcs | 10 | Good & Workable |
23 | Executive Chair | Pcs | 10 | Good & Workable |
24 | Visitors Chair | pcs | 30 | Good & Workable |
25 | Meeting Chair | pcs | 30 | Good & Workable |
26 | Ceiling Fan | pcs | 12 | Good & Workable |
27 | Stand Fan | pcs | 05 | Good & Workable |
28 | Digital Camera | pcs | 03 | Good & Workable |
Accounting Systems
Help Foundation follows its accounting system approved by the management of the organization. The organization follows Bangladesh Accounting Standard (BAS) system for its accounts management. Help Foundation uses Tally ERP-9 Accounting Software to Record the Financial Transaction and regular operation. The organization having accounting system which allows for the proper recording of financial transactions from International funding agencies. Help Foundation does not use multi donor fund in a particular project.
Expenditures are adequately explained in the vouchers affixed approval of the proper authority which is mentioned Financial Guide line. Functions of ordering, receiving, accounting for, and paying for goods and services appropriately segregated. The general ledger and subsidiary ledgers are properly reconciled and maintained. Bank reconciliations prepared by Accountants and Manager Finance and finally approved by the Executive Director. Admin and Accounts division and procurement committee is solely responsible for making purchase payments.
Help Foundation appoints NGO Bureau enlisted audit firm for exercise audit activities for each financial year according to the rules and regulations of GoB, the constitution of the organization and as per agreement with the donors. Help Foundation uses terms of reference at the time of appointment of exthe ternal auditor. Necessary measures are taken to improve the accounting system based on management reports.
Help Foundation also practices internal auditexercisese oa n random basis to control financial activities. The internal audit report is submitted to the authority of the organization.
Apfromt of this, the organization allows external audits conducted by clients as and when intends.
Management Information System (MIS)
Help Foundation has devean loped MIS section in the head office and a support system from the branch office to the head office for gathering, processing and presenting information related to finance and development activities. Not only financial records but also all the project information related to staff performance are recorded in this section.
Training Facilities
Help Foundation has a well-furnished training venue at its head office with a total sitting capacity of 35 participants. The offers training on incro-finance, primary health, NFPE, Management and Leadership and Vocational Skill Training on market demanding trades. The organization has a training cell consisting of well-experienced trainers and resource persons. It has well-developed training schedule and modules that help the participants well undunderstand
Publication, Education & Resource Center (ERC)
Help Foundation has developed ERC for publication, documentation, program feasibility and need assessment preparation and potentiality and problem identification and analanalysisliving condition for the community people living in the urban slums in Bangladesh. The organization publishes situation-oriented publications, bulletin, poster and leaflet through ERC. Any situation-oriented research is well accepted by this ERC. It also generates Annual progress report every year.
Organization’s Program Activities
Primary Education :
School based approach having a school campus with pre-primary to grade ten education and class based teachers while center based education runs by one teacher in a room with 25-30 learners. The schools are situated in the urban slums where children have no other option to access in primary education. The schools enroll children inclusively in its catchment areas regardless of religion, gender, cast, ethnicity, physical and mental disability. The school helps the graduates to enroll other institutions for higher education. Center-based primary education program of Help Foundation creates access of disadvantaged out of school children to primary education. This program has been operating in non-formal approach.
Basic Education & Life Skills
Help Foundation has been implementing basic education and life skill programs for the working children in the urban areas through community based learning centers. The program commences necessary interventions in favor of working children and their families and for protecting children from hazardous working environment. It also increases awareness of employers and relevant stakeholders to act in favor of steps forward elimination of child labor. The objectives of the program are to provide basic literacy and life skills to the working children in the urban areas to access their rights to education, protection, development and participation. The program also emphasized on awareness, hygiene, nutrition, behavioral change and communication of the adolescent group so that they could initiate their self-development.
Skill Development and Livelihood:
The objective of the program is to reduce poverty and promote economic growth in Bangladesh by increasing wage and self-employment of graduates. The Program also aims to empower women through skills training and engaging them with economical activities and reduce dependency on others. Help Foundation has been imparting skill development training for the working children in the hazardous situation as well as disadvantaged youth groups. Due to the poor quality and inadequate relevance of education, there is a high drop-out rate at the secondary level, which causes a massive inflow of adolescents and young adults into the labour force without employable skills. Vocational Skill Training plays a vital role especially for the unemployed and unskilled people to manage a job for income generation of this poor section of the society.
Food & Economic Security :
Help Foundation has been implementing Economic Empowerment Program for a long time. The program aims to ensure food security and economic prosperity for the ultra poor families so that the families keep their children away from engaging child labor and allow them to attend school. The support under the program has been ensuring through sponsorship, Ramadan and Qurbani. Help Foundation considers the poorest family students for receiving the aids.
Community Capacity Building:
The program aims to build up capacity of the community people to take challenges for their greater benefits of socio-economic advancement. The program includes training, orientation, information dissemination, awareness building, workshop etc for the community people as well as Help Foundation staff members throughout the year. Help Foundation organizes training, orientation, awareness sessions for community people to build their capacity to take over program by their own after ending funds.
Poverty Alleviation
The program aims poverty alleviation among the ultra poor people both in urban and rural settings. Help Foundation undertook poverty alleviation program through offering skill development training, arranging income generating activities and providing micro-credit support to the poorest section of the society. Women are given priority as they are considered burdens and vulnerable in the context of Bangladesh. Under this program Help Foundation selects beneficiaries, form groups, provide appropriate skill training and technical supports to initiate micro-enterprise. In that case Help Foundation ensures initial capital for the business. Apart of the above, Help Foundation organizes issue-based awareness for the beneficiaries such as dowry, trafficking, HIV and AIDS, demerits of early marriage and child labour, drug addiction, family planning, child mortality, malnutrition, affect of climate change, safe motherhood, child care, importance of education etc. The organization also monitors the IGA so to ensure the gradual progress of business activities and it could be profitable. Help Foundation provides micro-finance among the ultra poor and arrange micro-enterprise and IGA for them along with skill training on relevant trade to improve socio-economic status.
Awareness & Advocacy
Help Foundation imparted awareness program for mass people of its program areas. Because Help Foundation work with the marginal and poorest section of the society those are illiterate and they are not aware on social, economical, health relevant, environmental and national issues. Help Foundation takes initiatives to make people aware on relevant topics through discussion meeting, day observation, awareness sessions, using communicating materials like booklet, poster, festoons, leaflet, film show etc. Apart of this, Help Foundation organizes day observation on International Mother Language Day, Independence Day, Global Action Week, International Literacy Day, Children’s Week, Victory Day etc with the active participation of Community People. The organization also conducted awareness sessions on HIV & AIDS prevention, Global Warming, Safe Water & Sanitation, Safe Motherhood, Early marriage, Child Labour, Family Planning, Human Trafficking, Child Protection, Dowry, Natural Calamity, Child Mortality, Drug Addiction, Eve Teasing and Nutrition in its program areas.
Partner Organizations:
- World Humanitarian Organization for Peace and Equity (WHOPE), Nigeria
- International Peace Youth Group (IPYG), South Korea
- Asian Resource Foundation (ARF), Bangkok, Thailand (Proposed)
Network Membership
- Help Foundation has a functional network with the Campaign for Popular Education (CAMPE),
- Bangladesh Shishu Adhikar Forum,
- Domestic Workers Rights Network (DWRN),
- Bangladesh ECD Network (BECDN),
- Movement for Street Children Rights (MSCR),
- National Girl Child Advocacy Forum (NGCAF)
- Bangladesh Girls Guide.
The organization actively participate in different activities of network like meeting, seminar, workshop, rally, cultural events, study & research, publication, advocacy, social movement and other need-based activities and events.