Our Members
Disabled Rehabilitation and Research Association (DRRA)
About the organisation
As cross-cutting issue DRRA addresses SRHR under health component in its various projects
Launched a 3-year project (Sept 2018-August 2021) named KISHORI (Knowledge on Inclusive Sexuality & Health Rights) for creating enabling personal and social life of adolescent girls with disabilities for their sexual and reproductive health rights & issues in their community.
Interventions are: capacity building of girls/boys with disability, their parents,/caregiver , Teachers, Nurses on SHRH need, problem, care, services; Mainstreaming Disability inclusive SRHR programme, Local and National level advocacy for improvement of services and changes of attitude related to SRHR; school based group formed; Union based group formed; Formation, capacity building of local master trainer group, Module development on SHR for Girls with Disability.
SRHR publications/research
Conducted a study titled `Adolescent girls with disability Left behind: Sexual and Reproductive Health’