Situation of women in Bangladesh no better

There are many phrases and proverbs in the English language that highlight the significance of peace, safety and serenity within one’s home. A few of those phrases are, ‘Home Sweet Home’, ‘There is no place like home’, ‘Home is where the heart is’ and so much more. However, it is a harsh reality that for some, one’s home can be the most insecure place to live in.

Domestic violence and abuse can be perpetrated by one’s own husband or intimate partner. Women are more likely to die at the hands of someone they know. The United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime in a report shows that married women face danger in their homes, and that women and girls face risks of death outside their homes. The study shows that almost 6 out of 10 women or girls are intentionally killed by an intimate partner or close family member. Majority of Violence Against Women and Girls (VAWG) cases go unreported because of fear, stigma and shame surrounding it, and because of the habit of victim blaming and shaming in most societies. According to BBS, a large majority of 72.6% of married women have experienced one or more forms of violence (physical, psychological, sexual, economic).

Abdullah Shibli, economist and Senior Research Fellow, International Sustainable Development Institute (ISDI),  in an article titled ‘Home is not safe for women’ writes “Statistics from BBS and various agencies show that the situation for women and girls in Bangladesh is no better than that of other developing countries. […] Over 60% of Bangladeshi women have experienced gender-based violence and nearly two-thirds of victims never speak up.”

Bangladesh has undertaken several measures to lower the incidence of VAWG. However, there is a lack of consistency, coordination and uniformity in the measures taken so far.

Source: The Daily Star

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