Sexual violence on Rohinga women

Myanmar military has been committing sexual violence  including rape and sexual assault on the Rohinga women. The women have been fleeing to Bangladesh to avoid the horror. They are still haunted by the memory of the military breaking into their houses and raping them in front of their children and other family members.

UN population fund UNFPA have said that hundreds of Rohingya women and girls have reported violence in high proportion and they are receiving gender prevention services in their refugee camps in Bangladesh.

UN secretary-general Antonio Guterres while addressing the UN Security Council has mentioned, ‘We have received bone-chilling accounts from those who fled –– mainly women, children and the elderly.’

He has  said, ‘These testimonials point to excessive violence and serious violations of human rights, including indiscriminate firing of weapons, the use of landmines against civilians and sexual violence.’

Cox’s Bazar civil surgeon Abdus Salam has said that medical facilities, especially those run by international aid agencies in the Rohingya camps, received a good number of patients experiencing gender-based violence. ‘We got some serious rape patients,’ he added.

UN agencies  have  estimated that 5,01,800 Rohingyas, mostly women, children and elderly people, had so far fled to Bangladesh to save life since August 25.

Source: New Age

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