Preventing and Responding to Gender-Based Violence

The violence against women differ prominently from violence against men. Unfortunately women are more likely to be sexually assaulted or killed by someone they know than men. Gender inequality is the root of such violence. The United Nations has defined violence against women as gender-based violence as it is sometimes endured and overlooked by laws, institutions, and community norms. It is an insightful violation of human rights and a costly obstruction to a country’s national development.

Throughout the life cycle, gender-based violence occurs in many forms. This review emphases on two of the most common types – physical intimate partner violence and sexual violence by any perpetrator. The knowledge base regarding prevention and response to gender-based violence is comparatively narrow. The review reflects definitions, recent statistics, health consequences, costs, and risk factors of gender-based violence. Good practice initiatives in the justice, health, and education sectors, as well as multi sectorial approaches, are analyzed by the review. To conclude, the authors identify priorities for future research and action, including funding research on the health and socioeconomic costs of violence against women.


Bott, S., Morrison, A., & Ellsberg, M. (2005). Preventing and responding to gender-based violence in middle and low-income countries: a global review and analysis.

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