Present Scenario of Maternal Health in Bangladesh

The state of maternal health in a nation can be characterized by numerous factors, such as outcome measures like maternal mortality and morbidity rates, or maternal nutrition status, as well as process indicators of service availability and use. These indicators include: the levels of antenatal and postnatal care, contraceptive prevalence rate (CPR), coverage of tetanus toxoid (TT) vaccination, proportion of deliveries conducted in health facilities by trained birth attendants, or proportion of unwanted pregnancies. Unfortunately, according to many of these measures, the maternal health situation in Bangladesh appears to be poor.

Progress has been achieved in many health and family planning indicators in Bangladesh, but the pace of progress for maternal health problems remains slow. The maternal mortality ratio remains unacceptably high, despite the continued development of the health infrastructure in the country. The maternal health situation continues to be a high priority area in designing future programs and projects in Bangladesh.


Rahman, S. A., Parkhurst, J. O., & Normand, C. (2003). Maternal Health Review Bangladesh. Policy Research Unit Ministry of Health and Family Welfare Bangladesh.

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