Married women are vulnerable to seek legal action

About 70% married women in Bangladesh go through some form of physical or mental violence. But they do not seek legal justice because of social and economic inferior position. They also face humiliation by their husbands if any legal step is taken. Sometimes the husbands bribe the law enforcers to have the situation under their control.

Salma Ali, President of Bangladesh Women Lawyers Association has said, “Financially insolvent mothers are more likely to face violence by their husbands. We barely know their sufferings. Because they are not brave enough to raise their voice publicly as their ground are not stable like a man”

One Stop Crisis Centers have been set up by the Bangladesh government where anyone can dial 109 and can ask to seek help. They provide legal assistance, assistance related with hospitals and provide counselling. But many activists are not satisfied with the OSC since very few women report violence. There is no exact figure on how many women are being tortured.

According to Ain o Salish Kendro, in 2016 about 394 women were victim of domestic violence, of them about 191 were killed by their husband and about 724 women and girls were victim of rape.

Bangladesh Bureau of Statistics has reported that about 80% married women go through some form of physical, mental, sexual and economic violence.

The present situation is not getting better since women still not file the case of violence.

Source: Daily Observer

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