CFP letter for Responsible Parties
UNWOMEN plans to engage a (Responsible Parties) as defined in accordance with these documents. UN-WOMEN now invite sealed proposals from qualified proponents for providing the requirements as defined in the UN-WOMEN Terms of Reference.
Proposals must be received by UNWOMEN at the address specified not later than 11.59 PM on 30th July 2020.
The budget range for this proposal should be between USD 150,000 and USD 170,000
This UN-Women Call for Proposals consists of Two sections:
Section 1
a. CFP letter for Responsible Parties
b. Proposal data sheet for Responsible Parties
c. UN Women Terms of Reference
Annex 1 Mandatory requirements/pre-qualification criteria
Section 2
a. Instructions to proponents
Annex 2 Template for proposal submission
Annex 3 Format of resume for proposed staff
Annex 4 Capacity Assessment minimum Documents
Interested proponents may obtain further information by contacting this email address:
Proposal data sheet for Responsible Parties
Requests for clarifications due: Date: 20th July 2020 Time: 11.59 PM (via e-mail)
UNWOMEN clarifications to proponents due and Pre-Bid Meeting: Date: 23rd July 2020 Time: TBD
Proposal due: Date: 30th July 2020 Time: 11.59 PM
Planned award date: Date: 28th August 2020
Planned contract start-date / delivery date (on or before): Date: 1st September 2020
Addtional contact details
Program official’s name: Giulia Pelosi
Telephone number: 02 9858593
Issue date: 14th July 2020
Full information:
Job Features
Job Category | INGO |