Factors related to Teenage Pregnancy in South Asia

Within the total population of South Asia, a huge portion is young people. Unfortunately, one of the major public health problems of these countries is health hazard created from teenage pregnancy. The main reasons behind the occurrence of teen pregnancy are family structure and culture of the society. The socio-economic factors which leads to low educational attainment are also risk factors for such pregnancy. In these countries, the young people have the basic knowledge regarding their sexual health but there are very few who use those knowledge in real life. The available health services are not utilized at all. However some of the young people who are well aware of the consequences of teenage pregnancy, they try to delay pregnancy actively.

This paper used all the quality published papers from South Asian countries on teenage pregnancy and did a systematic review. The main objective of this paper was to find out the overall scenario and risk factors behind teenage pregnancy.


Acharya, D. R., Bhattarai, R., Poobalan, A., Teijlingen, V. E., & Chapman, G. (2014). Factors associated with teenage pregnancy in South Asia.


Photo Reference: http://whoccrhmnh-sear.net/IEC.php

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