Comprehensive Sexuality Education: No other alternative for an informed generation

A crucial developmental milestone for the well-being of kids and teenagers is the emergence of healthy sexuality. Youth require information about their sexuality and how it affects their bodies, communities, cultures, societies, mental health, and connections with family, peers, and partners that are developmentally appropriate.

The evidence supporting comprehensive sexuality education (CSE) is becoming increasingly clear. CSE not only helps reduce unintended pregnancies and HIV transmissions but also addresses gender-based violence, making it a safe and effective tool for protecting and empowering young people while advancing gender equality.

What evidences proof 

  • The inclusion of Comprehensive Sexuality Education in different levels of curricula and the involvement of parents in the education impact the greatest resulting in proper knowledge dissemination 
  • Sexuality education positively affects the increase of knowledge and perspective regarding sexuality and sexual behaviours in youth 
  • The learned can have knowledge of using condoms, protecting oneself from HIV or STIs and having safe sex 
  • Sexuality education supports changing the viewpoint of gender equality, gender inclusion, and respect towards all phases of sex  

In spite of such advantages of sexuality education, not all governments are investing in CSE programs, leaving many adolescents without access to life-saving information that can guide their decisions regarding their bodies, lives, and relationships. The lack of sexual and reproductive health education increases the risk of HIV contraction and unintended pregnancies, limiting young people’s prospects and even putting their lives at risk. Complications during pregnancy and childbirth remain a leading cause of death among adolescents worldwide.

Additionally, more concerning is the wave of misinformation surrounding CSE, causing decision-makers to withdraw their support. Without widespread access to CSE, harmful practices and beliefs, including gender-based discrimination, continue to thrive, leading to increased sexual and gender-based violence. Adolescents who miss out on CSE are denied the opportunity to enter adulthood safely and confidently.

The power of CSE should not be underestimated. It equips young people with knowledge about their rights, helps them make healthy choices, and fosters personal growth. By challenging harmful gender norms, stereotypes, and practices, CSE promotes love, respect, consent, care, and integrity, contributing to healthy families and just societies. It empowers young people to identify abuse, set boundaries, and seek help when needed. Furthermore, studies show that when young people learn about gender inequalities and power dynamics, they are more likely to prevent unintended pregnancies, HIV, and sexually transmitted infections.

Despite the baseless attacks against CSE, progress is being made. Many countries have enacted laws and policies to ensure young people’s access to sexuality education, with the majority incorporating relevant content in their national curricula. However, there is an urgent need to scale up these efforts and ensure that no young person is left behind.

Governments must commit to integrating comprehensive sexuality education into national curricula and invest in quality teacher training. Simultaneously, it is crucial to engage adolescents, parents, teachers, community leaders, and politicians to understand the long-term benefits of CSE. By guaranteeing access to information and education, we can enable all young people to live their lives fully, safely, and with dignity. CSE paves the way to gender equality, making it a worthy investment in the futures of young people worldwide. 


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