For a Better Law against Rape

A high number of rape incidents occur every day in Bangladesh but very few are reported or subjected to legal actions. Out of 707 reported rape incidents, in only 401 instances cases were … Read More »

Making the best out of Youth in Bangladesh

In 2030, the world population is estimated to reach 8.4 billion. As mortality and fertility rate decline, an estimated number of 1.2 billion, 15 to 24 year-olds in 2015 is expected … Read More »

Hygiene management situation in Bangladesh

According to the study on national hygiene, most of the girls in Bangladesh use old piece of cloths during menstruation. More than 40% of girls reuse the old piece of cloths … Read More »

Call for Applications : The 4th ASAP Youth Advocacy Institute for Safe Abortion Rights

ASAP invites applications from young persons living and working in Asia to join the 4th Advocacy Institute for Safe Abortion Rights to be held in Colombo, Sri Lanka from 7th to 10th Sept 2015. The 3rd … Read More »

Women’s attire blamed in School Exam Question

Women’s choice of attire is often subjected to negative connotation. This is especially true for conservative societies like Bangladesh where women, victims to sexual harassment are blamed for their dresses. Amidst … Read More »

Plights of the Trafficked Rohingya Women

The recent series of reports on human trafficking by sea in the Southeast Asian region is leading to further discoveries of inhumane conditions of the victims, especially women. Chris Lewa, coordinator … Read More »

Adolescents lack access to reproductive health care

In Bangladesh, adolescents are one of the most vulnerable segments of the entire population. Members of this new generation, whose age ranges from 15-24 years make about 19% of the total … Read More »

Media to change attitude towards Sexual Harassment

Gender-based violence is often unspoken. The cultural acceptance and attitude towards such violence can be changed with the help of media, emphasized by the speakers at a round table conference at … Read More »

Apathy towards child marriage!!

A USAID funded study by ICDDR,B found out that, “people do not see any “visible” benefit in delaying marriage.” “Young girls… are the only ones…who suffered due to early marriage” A … Read More »


Speaker of the parliament and chairperson of Commonwealth Parliamentary Association Dr Shirin Sharmin Chaudhury inaugurated on Sunday the 12th International Conference on Urban Health (ICUH 2015) to exchange ideas and opinions … Read More »