‘SHOKHI Women’s Football Tournament 2015’ for Victory Day

On December 17, 2015, the Bangladesh Legal Aid & Services Trust (BLAST), along with the Shokhi consortium, organised the final match and prize distribution ceremony for the SHOKHI Women’s Football Tournament … Read More »

Asia Child Marriage Initiative, 2015: Report Launching Ceremony by PLAN International Bangladesh

The report launching ceremony for the ‘Asia Child Marriage Initiative, 2015’ was held on 10th November, Tuesday, at the Nabab Nawab Ali Chowdhury Senate Bhaban of Dhaka University, organized by Plan … Read More »

Stopping child marriage in Dhaka slums

Dhaka Tribune, a leading English newspaper in Bangladesh, covered an inspiring story of young girls in Korail slum in Dhaka taking upon themselves to stop child marriage practices within their communities. … Read More »

Child, Early and Forced Marriage: Experts Meet

On the 3rd of November 2015, development, public health, human rights and law experts and practitioners met to discuss the current situation, challenges and practices in Bangladesh surrounding consent and choice within the … Read More »

International Report: Bangladesh successful with Maternal Health

An international report titled “A Decade of Tracking Progress for Maternal, Newborn and Child Survival” was launched on October 19, 2015 at the first Global, Maternal & Newborn Health Conference held … Read More »

Girl Children Need Attention

More than a quarter of Bangladeshi girls are married off by the age of 15, writes Khandakar Kohinur Akter. These girls are only children yet they start facing discrimination from an … Read More »

CARE reports alarming state of Child marriage

In every two seconds a girl child is forced to marry —says a report by CARE. The organization has ranked Bangladesh 20th among the 26 countries rated, with the highest prevalence … Read More »

‘Shahana’ to Raise Awareness about Adolescent Girls’ Issues

Shahana, a 17-year-old female cartoon character, is going to empower adolescent girls in Bangladesh. In 2013, a UNFPA report stated that 40% women aged between 20-24 gave birth before the age … Read More »

Vision 2030 for Adolescent Girls

October 11th this year will be observed worldwide (including Bangladesh) as the 4th International Day of the Girl Child. The theme this time is “The Power of the Adolescent Girl: Vision … Read More »

Stopping Child Slavery

Bangladesh, according to Gabriella Olguin, holds the global record for highest rate of girls (39%) getting married at the lowest age (below 15 years). Although there are laws banning child marriage, … Read More »