Introducing SRHR to garment workers

SNV Netherlands Development Organization has come up with an unique model called the “Inclusive Business Model” which include clinics, garment factories and women workers to build their capacity to provide sexual … Read More »

Call for Action: Sexual and Reproductive Health Rights for Women and Girls in the Post 2015 Development Agenda

Sustainable Development Goals are rights based action and to achieve these goals Bangladesh should have appropriate policy and plan and its effective implementation at the national level. Bangladesh has made outstanding … Read More »

Stalkers to face mandatory penalty

According to an estimate by the renowned NGO Ain o Salish Kendra (ASK), a human rights organization based in Dhaka, a total of 148 women and girls fell victim to sexual … Read More »

Inclusive Business Model for Female Workers

According to the report done by bdnews24, Bangladesh’s RMG industry contributes to 80 percent of the country’s total annual export revenues. It currently employs about 4 million workers, about 70 percent … Read More »


Women Deliver, a leading global body, has launched a campaign called ‘Deliver for Good’ to promote the much-needed investments in girls and in women across 12 issues, from sexual and reproductive … Read More »

Time to stop misogynistic attitudes toward women

An report done by The Independent supports education minister’s call to the law enforcement agencies to be more pro-active and tougher against the perpetrator of sexual harassment. Women are often treated … Read More »

Red Card Campaign to prevent child marriage and sexual harassment

Bangladesh had the highest rate of child marriage in the world. In the latest survey showed that, under 18-marriage had declined to 59% in 2014 from 65% in 2011. The government’s … Read More »

BSAF data shows alarming rise of violent male behavior

Pre-pubescent and adolescent girls are greatly victimized by sexual harassers. According to Ain o Salish Kendra (ASK), ten girls committed suicide last year, while 89 were assaulted and six killed by … Read More »

Flood-hit women to get reproductive health kits

A total of 110 ‘Dignity Kits’ were handed out to the government by the UN population agency in Bangladesh (UNFPA) in response to the cyclone Roanu. The kits contain clothes, vital … Read More »

Uterus cancer: The second killer disease in the world

A survey conducted by International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) states that, every year, around 5.28 lakh women are affected by uterus cancer in the world and among them, 2.66 … Read More »