CGTN: Improving gender equality for women in Bangladesh

Bangladesh is probably not a country leading in gender equality but a grassroots organization is doing a good job in empowering women, the CGTN America news channel reports. A grassroots organization … Read More »

Protecting Human Rights Programme: Voices from the Grassroots

On Feb 8, speakers at the closing ceremony of the “Protecting Human Rights Programme”, titled “Voices from the Grassroots” addressed the thousands of survivors that are currently victims of child marriage … Read More »

Workshop: Dairy Development and Women Empowerment

A day-long workshop on ‘Dairy Development and Women Empowerment’ was held recently in the city to promote dairy farming and women’s contribution to this sector. National Forum for Development of Women … Read More »


Dutch Minister Ploumen launched the global fundraising initiative SHE DECIDES. The response to my call has been beyond expectation, with many positive reactions from around the world, said Ploumen. The Dutch … Read More »

Barisal: Court sentences rapist to maximum punishment

A man in Barisal convicted of rape was sentenced in absentia to life-term imprisonment with an additional fine of Tk 50,000. Failure to pay the fine will lead to three more … Read More »

Fallacy: “Child marriage is legal in the UK, so why not in Bangladesh?”

Bangladesh has signed up to two international human rights conventions—on women’s rights and children’s rights—which define child marriage as being wed before the age of 18, and demand that the country … Read More »

What did we learn about Child Marriage in 2016?

As 2016 was a big year for research on child marriage, new data and analysis emerged. It helped build a deeper understanding of child marriage, its drivers and impact, as well … Read More »

Ignoring SRHR for disabled people puts them at great risk

The concept of Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights is applied to fields of sexuality, reproductive system, and health for men, women and children. Bangladesh, being a developing country, still has … Read More »

Sylhet: Policeman detained for sexually harassing university students

Three female students of Shahjalal University of Science and Technology (SUST) were allegedly victims of sexual harassment by a police personnel. Written complaints were filed by the victims to the Sexual … Read More »

Coastal Bangladesh: ‘Human Appeal’ helps reduce child and maternal mortality by half

Human Appeal, a humanitarian aid charity based in Greater Manchester, is celebrating the end of a two-year maternal and child health project that the organization conducted in Satkhira, a coastal area … Read More »