Bangladesh showcases women empowerment to Danish crown princess

The Danish crown princess asked the women she met about the challenges in their daily lives and future aspirations. Economic empowerment of women was the key focus of the recent visit … Read More »

EP asks to close ‘loopholes’ in Child Marriage Restraint Act 2017

The members of European Parliament (MEPs) have condemned newly adopted Child Marriage Restraint Act of Bangladesh. In a press statement on Thursday, the MEPs voiced concern that the child marriage act … Read More »

Patient Aid: a health app in Bangladesh

Patient Aid is the first ever app in Bangladesh which will provide all kinds of health-care related information in an android platform. This app contains up-to-date information in both Bangla and … Read More »

4.6pc Bangladesh population suffering from depression

The World Health Day 2017 will be observed tomorrow in the country and elsewhere across the world through holding different programmes. The theme of the day is “Depression: Let’s talk”. The overall goal … Read More »

Bangladeshi teen halting child marriage, one door at a time

Dipko have been going door-to-door to convince families to find alternatives to child marriage in a small village outside Sylhet, Bangladesh. He lost count of the number of doors he’s knocked on, … Read More »

Nobel laureate praises efforts taken to end gender disparity in Bangladesh

Nobel laureate Kailash Satyarthi yesterday praised the initiatives of Bangladesh government for ensuring development of children and women and ending gender disparity. Previously there was a common perception that only NGOs … Read More »

Women in Parliament: ‘Gender equality in politics crucial to democracy and SDGs’

Speakers at the 136th assembly of Inter-Parliamentary Union (IPU) in Dhaka on Saturday stressed the need for increasing women’s participation in politics, empowering girls and making parliaments more gender-sensitive ones. The … Read More »

Women in Parliament: Bangladesh 4th in South Asia

Among the South Asian countries, Bangladesh has obtained fourth position in terms of the index of women in national parliaments, according to data released by Inter-Parliamentary Union. Nepal tops the list, … Read More »

Bangladeshi girl receives ‘Women of Courage’ award for resisting child marriage

Sharmin Akter, the Bangladeshi girl who successfully resisted her family’s efforts to marry her off at the age of 15, will be honoured with the International Woman of Courage (IOWC) Award … Read More »

First child marriage under special provision of new law held in Bangladesh

The first child marriage under the special provision of the new law has been held with the consent of the two families at a court acquitting the groom of charges of … Read More »