New UN Women report puts forth policy agenda to end gender inequalities within families

As women’s rights have advanced over the past decades, families around the world have become a place of love and solidarity but also one where fundamental human rights violations and gender … Read More »

Expanding access to health services with self-care interventions

At least 400 million people worldwide lack access to the most essential health services. By 2035, there will be an estimated shortage of nearly 13 million healthcare workers. Around 1 in … Read More »

Story of a Woman Agro-Entrepreuner

A few days back, I went to Faridpur’s Modhukhali upazila’s Salamotpur village. I heard a lot about a highly successful woman entrepreneur. She started from zero. After completing her formal education, … Read More »

Sexual Harassment and the Law: Where’s the Problem?

Since its inception in 2017, the #MeToo Movement has been spreading across the world; it has brought to the fore the grave extent to which women from all strata of society … Read More »

Bandhu hosts Award Giving Ceremony 2019

Bandhu, a national organisation for the overall well-being of the Hijra population in Bangladesh, organised an Award Giving Ceremony on 26th June 2019, Wednesday at Hotel Amari, to recognise the contributions … Read More »

Study: Most RMG Workers Harassed in Public Transport

A large number of female garment workers in the country face various types of sexual and psychological harassments in their everyday life – particularly in public transports, finds a study. Despite … Read More »

The Tales of Five Successful Women from Beanibazar

These are the stories of the five joyeetas (victorious) of Beanibazar, Sylhet Five inspirational women in Beanibazar, an upazila of Sylhet district, have struggled, and grown beyond financial hardship to stand … Read More »

Protest Against Incidents of Rape

Locals, including school-goers, yesterday at a protest rally in the capital’s Pallabi urged the government to stop incidents of child rape by taking prompt actions. They took to the streets for … Read More »

Housewife Killed After Rape

Police recovered the body of a woman, suspected to have been raped before being killed, in Rajshahi while arrested four people, including a police constable, on rape charges in three other … Read More »

182 Women Raped in May

According to Bangladesh Mahila Parishad, there were 405 reports of torture and sexual violence against women in the month of May. There were 182 rape incidents, where 161 were raped, 13 … Read More »