No sexual harassment committees in 40% universities, despite 10 years of HC directive

Many incidents of sexual harassment remain unreported, as students are unaware of the existence of these committees, thus justice cannot prevail for the victims. About 40% of the country’s universities- both … Read More »

JU students protest sexual harassment by teacher

During the program they demanded exemplary punishment of Sanwar Siraj, an assistant professor of government and politics department. Jahangirnagar University (JU) students on Saturday formed a human chain on the campus … Read More »

Child marriage prevention must for attaining SDGs

Prevention of child marriage has become a must to promote female education, in order to ensure their equal rights for attaining the sustainable development goals (SDGs) of the United Nations, said … Read More »

Teacher Suspended over Charges of Sexual Harassment

The authorities yesterday suspended a teacher of Shamserbagh Dakhil Madrasa in Manirampur upazila of Jashore on charge of sexually harassing a fifth grader girl. Earlier in the day, several guardians of … Read More »

Gang rape in Khulna GRP station

Advocate Mominul Islam, the woman’s lawyer, submitted the documents at the Women and Children Repression Prevention Tribunal 3 yesterday morning, on behalf and in presence of the victim After medical report … Read More »

Gender equality key to SDGs

Despite the country being committed to meeting the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), there is shortage of information as well as obstacle in identifying appropriate indicators in this regard, speakers said at … Read More »

Outcry at Indonesia draft criminal code that could see unmarried couples jailed

New draft bill, decades in the making, could also criminalise insulting the president and tightens abortion laws. Indonesia is set to pass a new criminal code that could outlaw living together outside … Read More »

DNA test of Jashore child rape victim, newborn done

Following an order on Sunday by a Jashore court, DNA test of 10-year-old rape victim and her newborn was conducted in Dhaka on Tuesday. The girl from Jashore’s Monirampur upazila gave … Read More »

Gang rape victim’s husband attacked

The husband of a gang-rape victim was attacked in Patuakhali on Tuesday night for what he said was refusing to withdraw a case filed over the rape. The 36-year-old man suffered … Read More »

Menstrual blood ad complaints dismissed in Australia

Adverts which were the first to depict menstrual blood on Australian television did not breach viewing standards, regulators say. The ads were run by sanitary pad brand Libra last month and … Read More »