Man gets death for rape, murder of teen

Two sent to jail over rape of minors A court yesterday sentenced a man to death for raping and murdering a child and then torching her body in Manikganj’s Daulatpur upazila … Read More »

More support needed for victims of sexual abuse by UN personnel

Although measures to support victims of sexual exploitation and abuse (SEA) committed by UN personnel are proving effective, there is still room to do more, the senior official leading these efforts told journalists in New York on Friday.  … Read More »

UN programme to help spare millions from child marriage, extended to 2023

Millions of girls have been able to avoid “an unwanted marriage and an unwelcome end to their childhood”, since the launch four years ago, of a joint UN agency programme, the … Read More »

“We will be the generation that will inspire gender equality to the future generations,” Sudipto Mukherjee

The United Nations Bangladesh celebrated International Women’s Day 2020 at Bangabandhu International Conference Center on 5th March, Thursday. Participants from different parts of the country arrived to attend the celebration. Focusing … Read More »

A day in the life of a woman in this city

Navigating through rising sexual harassment For a girl or a woman living in Dhaka city, the possibility of being sexually harassed is a reality she has lived with from a very … Read More »

We must develop a circle of protection around rape survivors

In a highly publicised case earlier this year, the police apprehended a “serial rapist” named Mojnu for the alleged rape of a Dhaka University student. Later he confessed to having raped … Read More »

74 children raped in February: Bangladesh Mahila Parishad

337 instances of violence against women last month Bangladesh Mahila Parishad today said there were 337 reports of torture and sexual violence against women and girls in February. At least 114 … Read More »

2 to die for raping, murdering 5-year-olds

The attacks took place over a year ago A Dhaka court has sentenced two people to death in a case filed over the rape and murder of two five-year-old girls in … Read More »

Man lands in jail for torturing wife

He left for speaking at a religious congregation after breaking her hands following altercation over dowry. An Islamic cleric who often gives speech against dowry and torture of women at various … Read More »

No country is free from child sexual abuse, exploitation, UN’s top rights forum hears

Child sexual exploitation, sexual abuse and the use of children in prostitution “are a reality in all parts of the world”, the Human Rights Council heard on Tuesday. In a report to Member … Read More »