From Marriage To Prostitution: Bangladeshi Women Trafficked from Bangladesh to China

“Organised human traffickers took advantage of our helplessness and trafficked my daughter to China for sexual exploitation,” read the complaint of a distraught mother in Dhaka. This tragic case is one … Read More »

Joining Forces For Better Health: UNICEF, UNFPA, & Canada Have Partnered To Support Bangladesh

“Reducing maternal mortality has proven difficult. Our joint work will directly address the root drivers of this critical SDG for women’s health,” said Sheldon Yett, UNICEF Representative to Bangladesh, as UNICEF, … Read More »

Meloni Defends Omission, Macron Expresses Regret: Italy’s Stand on Abortion Rights Creates Ripples in G7 Summit

Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni has downplayed tensions over the absence of the word “abortion” in the G7 summit’s final statement. The controversy emerged after a commitment from last year’s G7 … Read More »

Pioneering Progress by Reducing Duress: Bangladesh Government’s Commitment to Ending GBV with UNFPA

“Women and girls in Bangladesh face a significant risk of gender-based violence (GBV), with 54.7% of women aged 15-49 experiencing physical or sexual intimate partner violence at least once in their … Read More »

Is It Too Much To Ask? The Ongoing Battle Against Workplace Sexual Harassment

“78 percent of women face sexual harassment in Dhaka city workplaces, roads, and transports,” reveals a recent study. Despite significant progress in women’s economic empowerment, sexual harassment remains a major obstacle … Read More »

Let’s Not At least Call Them ‘Dainii’: The Critical Role of Mental Health Care for Divorced Women

In Bangladesh, divorced women often face harsh societal judgment and are derogatorily labeled as ‘Dainii,’ meaning witch. This informal practice reflects the deep-seated negative attitudes towards women who seek to end … Read More »

Leading The Change, Against All Odds: AWCH Is Setting A Better Example For Safe And Affordable Childbirth

“From 68% to 36% between 2016 and 2023” – this significant drop in caesarean section (C-section) rates at the Ashulia Women and Children Hospital (AWCH) highlights a remarkable achievement in promoting … Read More »

SRHR for Everyone APA’s Stand at the 57th UN Commission on Population and Development

“We stand today, renewed and catalyzed to work in partnership in support of this transformative agenda,” declared Caecilia Roth of Family Planning Australia, representing the Women’s Global Network for Reproductive Rights, … Read More »

WHO’s Global Surveys Towards Better Adolescent Healthcare: Deadline – 1 June, 2024

In a bid to enhance the quality of health services for adolescents worldwide, the World Health Organization (WHO) Headquarters is currently revising the Global Standards for Quality Health Services for Adolescents. … Read More »

Education, Empowerment, and Change: The Key to Ending Child Marriage and Early Pregnancy in Bangladesh

“Bangladesh has a much higher rate of childbirth before age 18 compared to neighbouring countries,” reports UNICEF. With 24.2% of births occurring before 18, the situation in Bangladesh surpasses that of … Read More »