Fake doctor, aides ‘serving’ hijras arrested

A man providing gender affirmation services to the hijra and gender-diverse population in the capital was arrested for not having any medical licence. An outfit named Laser Beauty Parlour in Malibagh, … Read More »

Improving the survival and well-being of new-borns in the Rohingya refugee camps in Bangladesh: Kangaroo Mother Care supports the survival of low-weight and premature babies

The Primary Healthcare Center, which is sponsored by UNICEF, has just undergone an upgrade from a health post. The facility offers family planning services, screening for cases of gender-based violence, immunizations, … Read More »

Uterus transplants allow successful pregnancies in U.S. women-study

According to recent research, more than half of American women who underwent uterine transplantation went on to have healthy babies. According to data published on Wednesday in JAMA Surgery, 33 women … Read More »

New effort to set up four human milk banks in Dhaka

On August 31, 2021, Family Health International, or FHI 360, a US-based organization, requested approval from the Directorate General of Health Services to establish the milk banks. While many women, for … Read More »

Call for Application: Disability, Sexuality, and Rights Online Institute (DSROI) Online Course

Registration for CREA’s Disability, Sexuality, and Rights Online Institute (DSROI) online course is now open. The DSROI which began in 2010, provides a study of theory and practice of the intersections of … Read More »

Call for Consultations – Dutch Global Health Strategy

In April 2022, the Advisory Council on International Affairs (AIV) presented her advice ‘Fundament voor een Nederlandse mondiale gezondheidsstrategie’ – A Framework for a Dutch Global Health Strategy, to the Dutch … Read More »

Google not to preserve users’ location on US abortion clinic visits

When users visit domestic abuse shelters, abortion clinics, or other locations where privacy is desired, Google said that it would wipe the users’ location history. The declaration comes a week after … Read More »

Call for Nomination: SRHR Award 2022

Sexual and reproductive health and rights (SRHR) is a critical area to work on the social context of Bangladesh. Yet, appreciatively, many promising individuals are working in the arena of SRHR … Read More »

UNFPA, KOICA opens Adolescent and Youth Centre in Rohingya camps

The United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) and Korea International Cooperation Agency (KOICA) have opened their first-ever “Adolescent and Youth Center” in the Rohingya camps with a vision to provide proper SRHR … Read More »

UN: 60,000 women pregnant in flood-affected regions

During the recent floods, 177 women delivered children who need special care and treatment, says an official An estimated 60,000 women are pregnant in the flood-affected regions of nine northeastern districts, … Read More »