Make Your Own Pads: Overcoming Period Poverty with Sustainable Solutions

“Over 50% of women in coastal areas suffer from pre-cervical cancer symptoms due to poor menstrual practices,” reveals a 2020 report from Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujib Medical University Hospital. Despite efforts by … Read More »

The Red Ant-Black Ant Controversy: Is Politicizing Population Control a Good Decision?

In many parts of the Indian subcontinent, there’s an age-old fable about red ants and black ants. According to the tale, red ants represent Hindus, while black ants symbolize Muslims. Both … Read More »

Empowering Teens in Northern Bangladesh: Kishore Abhijan and UNICEF Launch Education Program on Gender Equality and SRHR

In a region where traditional views have long dictated the lives of young women, change is blossoming. Saima Akhter, who bravely resisted her family’s plan to marry her off at a … Read More »

By the Community, For the Unity: UNFPA’s Advocacy for Health and Equality Worldwide

“I have faced rejection from my family, my community, my entire society. I could not go to school,” said Mamouni, a transgender woman from Bangladesh. Despite the legal recognition of a … Read More »

Charting a New Course: Prioritizing SRHR to End Child Marriage in Bangladesh

“Child marriage is not just a violation of human rights; it’s a barrier to development.” – UNICEF  Bangladesh, despite legal frameworks and advocacy efforts, continues to grapple with the harrowing reality … Read More »

A New Era for Women’s Rights: EU Parliament’s Stand on Abortion as Fundamental Rights

In a decisive move towards safeguarding sexual and reproductive health and rights (SRHR), the European Parliament has voted in favor of including the right to abortion in the EU Charter of … Read More »

A Feminist Approach to Climate Solutions: Bridging SRHR and Climate Justice

“Participation in climate and environmental decision-making is a human right, and the equal participation of people of all genders generates outcomes that are more effective and sustainable.” Despite growing awareness of … Read More »

Bridging SRHR Through Climate Justice: A Feminist Approach to Climate Solutions

“Participation in climate and environmental decision-making is a human right, and the equal participation of people of all genders generates outcomes that are more effective and sustainable.” Despite growing awareness of … Read More »

‘Rupantor’ Controversy & ‘Boycott Walton’ Trend: Is it becoming a global trend against transgender people?

The recent removal of the Bangladeshi drama “Rupantor” from its affiliated YouTube channel has ignited a debate about transgender representation, not only in Bangladesh but globally. With over 5 thousand posts … Read More »

From Cinderella Complex to CEO: Overcoming Social Barriers for Women in Bangladesh

“Despite women making up 36% of the labor force in Bangladesh, only 8% reach managerial positions,” according to recent data from the Bangladesh Bureau of Statistics. This glaring disparity points towards … Read More »