Cracking the Menopause Code: A Natural Transition That Needs Understanding And Support

Throughout our life, we go through many physical and psychological phases. From curious childhood to jolly adolescent, from rebel teen to calm thirties, we have seen our friends and cousins go … Read More »

Painless Periods Are Now A Reality! How “Period Patches” Are Revolutionising Menstrual Health Management

Menstrual pain affects over 50% of women globally, often leading to missed work and school days. In Bangladesh, the situation is no different, with many women experiencing severe cramps every month. … Read More »

The Third Gender Mirage: The Illusion of Inclusiveness for Bangladesh’s Hijra Community

In 2013, Bangladesh granted the hijra community official “third gender” status, a move heralded as progressive in the fight for gender equality. However, this legal recognition has done little to change … Read More »

Digital Misogyny: How Social Media Is Fueling Gendered Cyber Violence in Bangladesh

Respecting mothers, daughters, and sisters is deeply rooted in Bangladeshi culture. Also, our devotion to our respective religions emphasises women’s respect and rights. Yet, we witness derogatory attitudes towards women far … Read More »

Are We Unaware Or Just Don’t Care? WHO Study Reveals the Growing Mental Health Challenge for Girls

Those who are wondering what’s the meaning of the question in the title, here is the explanation based on a recent study by the WHO. The mental health of girls worldwide … Read More »

From Crisis to Uncertainty: Rohingya Refugees Face New Challenges in Indonesia

“As we mark World Refugee Day on June 20, more than 1 million Rohingya languish in squalid, violence-plagued camps around Cox’s Bazar in Bangladesh.” This stark reality is driving many Rohingya, … Read More »

We Didn’t See That One Coming! The Unseen Impact of Microplastics on Reproductive Health

In a startling discovery, scientists from Qingdao University found microplastics in every semen sample they tested, a finding with significant implications for sexual and reproductive health. “The widespread presence of plastic … Read More »

Let’s Not At least Call Them ‘Dainii’: The Critical Role of Mental Health Care for Divorced Women

In Bangladesh, divorced women often face harsh societal judgment and are derogatorily labeled as ‘Dainii,’ meaning witch. This informal practice reflects the deep-seated negative attitudes towards women who seek to end … Read More »

Beneath the Polished Surface: Record Gonorrhoea and Syphilis Rates in UK Demand Prompt Action

“STIs can have a major impact on your health, regardless of your age, gender, or sexual orientation,” warns Dr. Hamish Mohammed, a consultant epidemiologist. The latest figures from the UK Health … Read More »

Are We Doing Enough? The Hidden Crises of Safe Motherhood in Bangladesh

While the world was celebrating Menstrual Hygiene Day, yesterday was also Safe Motherhood Day. This year, the Health and Family Welfare Ministry set the theme “Make baby delivery in hospitals, save … Read More »