From Fields to Faucets: How Salinity Impacts Coastal Women’s Reproductive Health in Bangladesh

In Bangladesh’s southwestern coastal regions, over 4 million people are struggling with a severe freshwater crisis, and it is the women who bear the brunt of this burden. As climate change … Read More »

Thinking Outside the Docs: Discovering Linkages Between Education, Economic Empowerment, Climate Change, and Family Planning/SRHR

The World Health Organization (WHO) and the IBP Network, in collaboration with Share-Net International, hosted an insightful side event at the Women Deliver 2023 conference. Titled “Thinking Outside the Docs—Non-Health Sector … Read More »

What does salinity have to do with SRHR anyway?

It is getting harder to acquire freshwater in the coastal regions of Bangladesh due to saltwater intrusion brought on by rising sea levels and shrimp farming. A 2013 study found groundwater … Read More »

Basic healthcare is still out of reach for most in Gaibandha chars

Gaibandha’s rural areas lack access to adequate medical care, and even the district hospital is underequipped to handle the district’s 25.62 lakh residents. A lack of staff at the Sadar hospital, … Read More »