নিম্ন আয়ের মানুষের চিকিৎসাসেবাঃ কোথায় তারা যাচ্ছেন

এই গবেষনাটি প্রকাশিত হয় জার্নাল অফ পপুলেশান রিসার্চে ২০১৪ সালে। এতে গবেষকেরা শহরের নিম্ন আয়ের (বস্তি) এলাকায় অধিবাসিদের চিকিৎসা সেবা নেয়ার চিত্র তুলে ধরেছেন। কি কারনগুলোর উপর এটি নির্ভর করে তাও … Read More »

‘Jiboner Golpe Cinema Banai’: A Short-Film Competition for Young People in Bangladesh to Recognize Rights to Consent and Choice

‘Jiboner Golpe Cinema Banai’ or ‘Making Cinemas on Life-Stories’, a short-film competition, was organized for young people aged between 18 to 30. The competition was supported by the Swedish organization for … Read More »

ভৌতিক বেদনাঃ যুদ্ধ এবং নারী

জাতি হিসেবে ডিসেম্বার মাস আমাদের জন্যে অনেক গুরুত্বপূর্ণ একটি সময়। নয় মাস রক্তক্ষয়ী যুদ্ধের পর ১৬ ডিসেম্বার পাকিস্তানি হানাদারদের পরাস্ত করতে সক্ষম হয় এদেশের মুক্তিকামী জনগণ। সারা বছর অবহেলিত, লাঞ্ছিত মুক্তিযোদ্ধা-বীরাঙ্গনাদের … Read More »

The Role of Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights in the Pursuit for Equity

12.12.16 is celebrated worldwide as Third Universal Health Coverage (UHC) Day. Kuhel Faizul Islam from the Center of Exellence of Universal Health Coverage at the James P Grant School of Public … Read More »

Child Marriage in Bangladesh: A Curse of Our Society

Child marriage is an enormously discussed issue in Bangladesh. Child marriage is a human right violation which directly affect the child’s education, health, psychological well-being, and health of their off-spring. It … Read More »

Why SRHR is needed to attain UHC

Universal Health Coverage (UHC) is mainly about people having access to quality and affordable health care. It has a straight effect on population’s health. In this aspect, usually we refer ‘health’ … Read More »

Violence against Women: can social media help bring the change

Bangladesh is seeing a recent increase in reports of sexual assault and harassments of late. Study from Bangladesh Mahila Parishad has shown that the culprits are often family members. The situation … Read More »

Seeing if it works: Measuring effectiveness of communication material through RCT

BBC Media Action has been at the forefront of innovation in traditional media. The multitude of their audio-visual tools and educational materials are well accepted in the communities. One of their … Read More »

Ayesha’s Story: Reflections from qualitative research on the issues that shape decision-making for child marriage

In this blog post, Saraban Ether and Seama Mowri present the story of Ayesha, a bright 16 year old girl they met whilst doing research on child marriage in urban slums … Read More »

Archive of Child Marriage

A powerful blog on child marriage around the world on the Borgen project organization website. “The Borgen Project is an incredible nonprofit organization that is addressing poverty and hunger and working towards … Read More »