Let’s Talk about the “S” Word

With the narrowing of the digital divide, people increasingly use the World Wide Web to acquire information on their health and wellbeing. In countries like Bangladesh, where shame and stigma still … Read More »

“Masculinity in the Message: Can Understanding Masculinity Improve Intervention Messaging?”

In the urban slums of Bangladesh, the lives of adolescent boys and girls are embedded within a framework of uncertainties stemming from poverty, threats of eviction and livelihood insecurity. Their experience … Read More »

Short documentary on Menstrual Regulation (MR) in Bangladesh

Watch here:  BRAC JPGSPH and Reachout Consortium have produced a short documentary on how community health workers help women in Bangladesh navigate the health system to attain Menstrual Regulation services and the challenges … Read More »

New Video on Raising Awareness about Cyber Harassment in Bangladesh Launched

In Bangladesh, young people face a myriad of problems regarding access to SRHR information and services. In June 2016, the Digital Sister for Urban Youth project began conducting research on young, … Read More »

Exploring Attitudes and Perceptions to Child Marriage in Urban Slum Communities

“Early Child Marriage is a criminal offence and does not happen in this area,” said an Imam (person who leads prayers in a mosque) during an interview as part of the research for … Read More »

ছেলেদের কেন মাসিক হয় না?

মাসিক হলে বিরক্তবোধ করে না এমন মেয়ে পাওয়া ভার! মাসিক মানেই যেন বাড়তি ঝামেলা। অনেক সময় বিরক্ত হয়ে অনেকে বলেও বসে, “সব জ্বালা কি শুধু মেয়েদের? কেন যে ছেলেদের মাসিক হয়না!” … Read More »

Why some women justify physical violence by men?

When thinking about gender inequality and gender based physical violence, a false notion is sometimes created where men are the perpetrators who knowingly abuse their power while women are victims entirely … Read More »

Exchange Meeting with the Women with Disabilities on SRHR

Turning Point Foundation organized an Exchange Meeting with the Women with Disabilities on Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights (SRHR) on 30 July 2017 with support from Disability Rights Advocacy Fund … Read More »

ডিজিটাল ওঝা/ কবিরাজ

সহবাস বা সেক্স শব্দটিতে যত মানুষের এলার্জি তাতে এইজনিত এলার্জিকে চিকিৎসা শাস্ত্রে একটি আলাদা স্থান দেয়া উচিৎ এবং শুধুমাত্র এই বিষয়ে বিশেষজ্ঞ ডাক্তার তৈরী করা উচিৎ। সহবাস বা সেক্স এর স্থান … Read More »

Why we should talk about sex

After the MDGs (Millennium Development Goal)s ended in 2015, we are now in the era of SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals). The word ‘Sex education’ in a confusedly conservative hybrid society such … Read More »