Model initiative to improve the quality of Sexual and Reproductive Health Services for the Youth

The essential sexual and reproductive health care rights are constrained by the COVID-19 overdose. Model Youth Parliament and Global Platform ActionAid Bangladesh have taken initiative to model Union Health and Family … Read More »

Photo by Sigma Ainul

Child marriage and linkage with fear and desire to control girls’ sexuality

In the narrative of child marriage- poverty, lack of education, opportunity of girls, lack of awareness of parents and community etc- these are often cited and spoken of as drivers for … Read More »

Adolescent Trouble!?

Adolescence is a period of discovery. The young, energetic soul during this time grows soaking up new knowledge, experiences, skills, facing biological changes, dealings with new emotions, and so on. Every … Read More »

GNB launched CALL FOR LAW REFORM of Child Marriage Restraint Act, 2017 in Bangladesh

Bangladesh has one of the highest rates of child marriage in the world. Bangladesh’s high rate of child marriage has multifaceted causes and consequences. Parents of girls are usually motivated to … Read More »

Action Research on Covid-19 Threatening to Existing SRH Services for Young People

COVID19 global pandemic has created extra challenges for both service providers and recipients. Young people faced significant barriers in accessing essential sexual and reproductive health information and services before the crisis. … Read More »

Work with men and boys for gender equality: A review of field formation, the evidence base and future directions

Gender equality is not just a women’s issue. It is an issue for all. It is a rights issue because women’s rights are human rights. Working with men and boys, transforming … Read More »

Comparison on Trickle-Down and Bottom-up Approach: Overview of Women’s Movement in Bangladesh

In South Asia, feminists distinguish political feminism from development feminism by delineating between the respective spaces within which feminist struggle against patriarchy takes place and where feminist activists locate themselves (Devika, … Read More »

Voice from the Front-line: ‘Periods don’t stop during for crisis’

In Satkhira, a local young feminist organisation is raising awareness and building community resilience to tackle the compounding effects of COVID-19 and cyclone Amphan. Satkhira is a coastal district in southwest … Read More »

GNB Bangladesh demands specific budget allocation for ending child marriage

Girls Not Brides (GNB) Bangladesh, a platform of 29 international, national, and grassroots organizations have demanded for a specific allocation in the 2020-21 FY National budget to eliminate child marriage as … Read More »

Gender Inequality in Bangladesh – a Youth-Led Research ( Gender Norms, Sexual Harassment, SRHR, Child Marriage)

11 young people from the Young Feminist Futures network (YFF) supported by ActionAid Bangladesh Global Platform planned and developed a research investigating the causes, effects, and possible solutions to gender inequality. … Read More »