Reproductive and maternal health care of Bangladesh

The Bangladesh government has provided considerable health and family planning services in the years since the country’s independence. As for example, the national infant mortality rate declined from 150 per 1000 … Read More »

Boosting Maternal Health Care Performance through Incentives

Bangladesh is rapidly progressing towards achieving 8 Millennium Development Goals (MDGs). The targets include Reducing Child Mortality and Improving Maternal Health. However, one of the barriers to achieving these targets is … Read More »

Lack of access to commodities

Every year in Bangladesh, more than 5,000 mothers and  thousands of children die due to lack of access and appropriate use of 13 life-saving commodities, one of the findings of the … Read More »

Child brides: deprived of their childhood

According to the research done by UNICEF, more than 700 million women all over the world were married before their 18th birthday and more than 250 million entered into this union … Read More »

Hygiene management situation in Bangladesh

According to the study on national hygiene, most of the girls in Bangladesh use old piece of cloths during menstruation. More than 40% of girls reuse the old piece of cloths … Read More »

The context of sexual knowledge among youth

Bangladesh is emerging as one of the most rapidly developing countries in the world. Yet, the topic of Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights(SRHR) is a still a taboo here. People … Read More »

Changing attitude

Changing attitudes towards maternal health is one of the reasons that favorable changes occurred in maternal mortality ratio. This ratio fell from 322 deaths per 100,000 live births in 1998-2001 to … Read More »

Access to Safe abortion

According to the research done by Population council, it is estimated that over half of all abortions conducted are unsafe in Bangladesh. There is serious concern in Bangladesh that without concerted … Read More »

Empowering the victims of early marriage

The majority of adolescent girls in Bangladesh find their lives constrained by the custom of the marriage. According to the research by Population Council, more than half of women aged 20-24 … Read More »

Adolescent sexual health in Dhaka’s Slums

Almost every girl in Bangladesh knows at least one method of contraception. Still, the number of unwanted pregnancies is very high. More than half the girls (61%) stated that they used … Read More »