Joint Action For Nutrition Outcome (JANO): Addressing the Nutritional Needs of Pregnant and Lactating Women (PLW) & Adolescent Girls

“One-fifth of Bangladesh’s population, approximately 36 million people, are adolescents, yet many lack essential health knowledge and access to healthcare services.” This statistic underscores a pressing issue in Bangladesh, particularly in … Read More »

Remal’s Impact: Strengthening Reproductive Health Services in Shelters

“Approximately 4.6 million people have been affected by Cyclone Remal, with 61,889 pregnant and lactating women in urgent need of reproductive health services.” This statement underscores the severe impact of the … Read More »

From Misinformation to Rights Violation: Fighting Censorship for Reproductive Health Equity

In today’s information-driven world, the censorship of accurate information on sexual and reproductive health rights (SRHR) by major tech corporations constitutes a significant obstacle to global health equity. A recent report … Read More »

2024-2029 Priorities for EU Action to Advance Gender Equality and Sexual & Reproductive Health and Rights

“Ahead of the start of a new political cycle in the European Union (EU) in mid-2024, there is a critical opportunity to bolster commitments and action to ensure that the EU’s … Read More »

Towards Economic and Climate Justice: A Feminist Analysis of Critical Trends

In the face of a complex web of crises spanning climate emergency, biodiversity loss, escalating debt, and deepening inequality, women, girls, and gender-diverse people find themselves disproportionately affected. The Feminist Action … Read More »

From Crisis to Curriculum: Examining the Necessity of Anti-Sexual Violence Education

In recent years, sexual violence has cast a dark shadow over the sanctity of higher education institutions in Indonesia and beyond. The education sector, intended to be a haven for learning, … Read More »

From 2012 to 2022: Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs’ Impact on SRHR

Research Brief: Consistent Efforts, Persisting Challenges Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs’ Contributions to Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights (2012–2022) In the last decade, the Netherlands has demonstrated a steadfast commitment … Read More »

Involving boys in Menstrual Hygiene Management (MHM): A pilot study

It has been proposed that teaching boys about puberty and menstruation can help to lessen the stigma associated with menstruation and the unfavourable attitudes toward it. To raise an understanding of … Read More »

Study: Climate Change impacting 90% coastal women

A study by the Center for Participatory Research and Development (CPRD) at a seminar titled “Climate Injustice Vs Gender Justice: Why should this matter?” revealed the adverse effect of climate change … Read More »

Rapid Knowledge Translation Approach for Better SRHR in Bangladesh, Burundi, Indonesia, and Jordan

To avoid morbidity and mortality associated with sexual and reproductive health and rights (SRHR) and to ensure access to rights, it is crucial to translate knowledge into policy and practice. Current … Read More »