Drug Addiction Pattern and Knowledge on HIV/AIDS Among Male Addicted Undergoing Rehabilitation

Abstract: The purpose of this study was to assess drug addiction pattern and knowledge on HIV/AIDS among male addicted undergoing rehabilitation. A cross sectional descriptive study was conducted among purposively selected … Read More »

Targeting Men in Intervention to End Violence against Women

In order to resist violence against women in Bangladesh, effective intervention targeting the husbands is the only breakthrough. Husbands are the main predators of violence against women. The formal health care … Read More »

People’s perception towards discussing SRHR issues

In Bangladesh, the parents neither have enough knowledge nor are they comfortable to share, help, and support their children regarding Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights (SRHR) issues. On the other … Read More »

Role of Institutional Education in Improving Adolescents’ Reproductive Health

In order to improve the reproductive health of adolescents, both in-school and out-of-school reproductive health education linked with adolescent-friendly services at health facilities are essential. Furthermore, the in-schools education with adolescent-friendly … Read More »

Myths and Facts regarding Sexually Transmitted Infections (STIs)

At the present time, sexually transmitted infections and HIV infection are the most common health problems in the area of sexual and reproductive health. STIs and HIV infection are consequences of … Read More »

The informal health sector and health care-seeking behaviour of mothers in urban Dhaka slums

Infant and child mortality in Bangladesh has declined in recent years but early death rates remain high among Bangladesh’s urban poor, even in comparison to rates in rural Bangladesh. Although they … Read More »

Interventions to encourage low-SES women to avail safe delivery option

Maternal and child mortality are still higher in Bangladesh where delivery care services are associated with a number of problems. Demand-side financing, popularly well-known as maternal health care voucher, is found … Read More »

What increases health seeking among pregnant women: Study finds

This is a decade old study on maternal health. It surfaces the barriers and enablers to health seeking in pregnancy. Summary: Utilization of health services is a complex behavioral phenomenon. Empirical … Read More »

13.6 million women face maternal complications annually in Bangladesh

Abstract Worldwide, for an estimated 358,000 women, pregnancy and childbirth end in death and mourning, and beyond these maternal deaths, 9-10% of pregnant women or about 14 million women per year … Read More »

Needful for a safe cyberspace

Researchers from Northern University of Bangladesh look at the changing spectrum of crimes committed in the era of information technology and what we need to do to safeguard ourselves in this … Read More »