Ending HIV Transmission through Behavioral Change Activities

The risk of HIV transmission, in the community of Bangladesh, is high due to low use of condom and sex with multiple partners. Another major risk factor in HIV transmission is … Read More »

Stigmatized SRHR issue of Women with Disabilities

Women with disabilities are considered as “asexual” and also neglected in health care facilities by the society. Though they have to go through the same sexual development, pubertal changes, concerns, and … Read More »

Information Gap in the Context of HIV

The accurate knowledge about HIV is low among youth, but it is even lower for female youth. Female youth have not as much of access to HIV information and also they … Read More »

Breaking the Vicious Cycle of Intergenerational Undernutrition

Additional nutrition is required during the period of adolescent as this is the period of rapid physical growth. The nutritional status of adolescent can be improved through distribution and practice of … Read More »

Family Decision and financial constraints restrict facility delivery in 29% mothers

Every year, world wide, 200 million women become pregnant. The development of urban areas allowed women to receive more care and treatment. However, in rural areas such measures are not available … Read More »

Cause and Effect of Adolescent Depression

The two major causes of depression of both adolescent boys and girls are poverty and poor relation between parents. Another vital cause of depression only for boys is family history of … Read More »

Health care facility for married adolescent girls in Bangladesh

Health facility-based deliveries have continuously increased among adolescents in Bangladesh over the past two decades from 3% in 1993–1994 to 24.5% in 2011. Rates of population based and facility-based caesarean sections … Read More »

Decision Making Power in Contraceptive Methods Use and Childbearing

In Bangladesh, the decision making regarding the use of contraceptive methods and childbearing are mainly done by either adolescent married girls’ husbands or mothers-in-law. Thus because of this, Bangladesh has the … Read More »

Factors behind Maternal Health Care Seeking Behavior

All four levels of factors (individual, interpersonal and family, community and social, and organizational and health systems level) of Social-Ecological Model (SEM) have strong influence in the maternal health care-seeking behavior … Read More »

Utilization of maternal health services among adolescent women in Bangladesh: A scoping review of the literature

A systematic review looked at 12 articles published on adolescent maternal health and tried to identify the gaps in research. The studies were selected from a pool of 2627 articles published within 2003-2013. … Read More »