Stop Child Marriage

Child marriage is still a massive problem in many developing countries. The issue is more concentrated in countries of Sub Saharan Africa and South Asia. This paper, through literature review attempts … Read More »

Bound to be Satisfied: User and Provider Perspective on Facility-based Obstetric Care in Rural Bangladesh

Client satisfaction, the degree of fulfillment of patient’s desired expectations and preferences for healthcare, is one of the outcome variables for assessment of the quality of health services. Until now, the … Read More »

Reproductive Health & Behavior Change Communications

For all the many efforts and achievements of Bangladesh’s health institutions and nongovernmental organizations (NGOs) over the years, the country continues to grapple with factors that make quality health services and … Read More »

Bangladeshi Parents’ Attitude towards including Sex Education in School Curriculum

Bangladeshi parents’ attitude regarding inclusion of sex education in school curriculum of Bangladesh is observed in this study. The parents were given a comprehensive list of 21 topics and asked to … Read More »

Latest study on STI and associated risk factors in Female Sex Workers

Gonorrhea, chlamydia, and syphilis are prevalent among female sex workers receiving sexually transmitted infection and human immunodeficiency virus prevention services in Bangladesh. Revision of the national guideline for the syndromic management … Read More »

Establishing one of the Basic Human Rights for children of sex workers: Education

The most basic human rights of the children of sex workers are denied in Bangladesh. This article is constructed on recent research focused on the children of sex workers in the … Read More »

Comprehensive Sexuality Education for Youth

Young people obtain a variety of conflicting and confusing messages about sexuality and gender. We believe that a thorough and high quality curriculum-based sexuality education program can help all children and … Read More »

HIV and opportunistic infection

Bangladesh is seeing a rapid increase in HIV/ AIDS cases in high risk population – specially injecting drug users (IDUs). This study was conducted to get a picture of the spectrum … Read More »

More than half of adolescent population unaware of STDs

Adolescents are more vulnerable than adults of unplanned pregnancies, sexually transmitted diseases and HIV/AIDS. Among the adolescents, girls are more vulnerable to STDs including HIV/AIDS. Their knowledge about different diseases is … Read More »

High STD rate in brothel based sex workers: potential for HIV spread

This decade old study documents the first systematic assessment of a brothel in Bangladesh in terms of sexually transmitted disease (STD) and human immunodeficiency virus (HIV). Two hundred and ninety-six CSWs … Read More »