Usage of Maternal Health Services in Bangladesh

Countless married adolescent women, in Bangladesh experience life threatening complications during pregnancy and childbirth and also after childbirth. However, utilization of health services is far under conventional standard. The situation of … Read More »

Maternal Mortality in Bangladesh

Bangladesh not only achieved the primary target of Millennium Development Goal (MDG) 5 of improving maternal health by 2015 but also it is the only low-income or middle-income country with two … Read More »

Connection between Women’s Status and Domestic Violence

Increased education, higher socioeconomic status, non-Muslim religion, and extended family residence is associated with lower risks of violence. The effects of women’s status on violence is highly context-specific. In the more … Read More »

Stop Domestic Violence Against Women

Domestic violence against women focuses on the cycle of violence within abusive relationships, why women so frequently stay in abusive relationships, ‘ and what is the most helpful in allowing them … Read More »

Factors of Domestic Violence Against Women

The determinants of domestic violence against women and its implications for the resources allocated to women, it is essential to explore both at the same time. This paper reflects that higher … Read More »

Social Legal Perspective of Domestic Violence against Women in Bangladesh

In developing countries like Bangladesh, domestic violence is not a very unusual scenario. However, unfortunately the main victims of this violence are women. Because of the socio-economic situation most of the … Read More »

Effects of Spousal Violence on Health

Spousal violence against women is a severe issue of public-health. There are still numerous unaddressed area of violence; such as the prevalence of this violence, the risk factors, the consequences, and … Read More »

Addressing and Minimizing Inequalities in Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights

The inequalities in access to sexual and reproductive health (SRH) information and services; the widespread need to improve SRH services to meet public health, human rights and medical ethics standards for … Read More »

Ending the Taboo of Violence Against Women

In order to prevent violence against women, understanding men’s controlling attitudes and behaviors toward women is necessary. In Bangladesh, while the incidence of men’s violence against women is alarmingly increasing, existing … Read More »

Fathers Involvement in Maternal Health

This article deals with the need of father friendly SRHR services to ensure maternal health in rural community. Using qualitative research methods this research tries to evaluate whether consultation service on … Read More »