Family Violence in Bangladesh

Each and every society have this epidemic problem called violence against women. It is not only very difficult to find out the root of this issue but also very important. In … Read More »

IFPRI links women empowerment with agriculture, nutrition, and gender

Despite significant strides toward gender equality in Bangladesh, there are still many barriers to women’s participation in the agriculture sector. International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI) research in Bangladesh shows that … Read More »

How does intimate partner violence influence reproductive health?

Research has shown for some time that physical or sexual violence perpetrated by a woman’s husband or sexual partner leads to poor reproductive health outcomes. But two recent Ipas-led studies conducted … Read More »

Reproductive Health Morbidities among Adolescent Girls

In our society, there is a high incidence of reproductive illnesses among adolescent girls but heath care seeking behavior is very low. Most of the girls are having one or more … Read More »

Does Dowry Improve Life for Brides?

Some recent economic writings suggest that dowry functions as a bequest or pre-mortem inheritance, implying it persists because it is “good for the bride.” This paper explores the association between dowry … Read More »

Health and Nutritional Status of Children of Adolescent Mothers

Children of adolescent mothers are likely to be more malnourished, have lesser opportunities for DPT immunization and have longer duration of hospitalization. Adolescent mothers were also more likely to be illiterate. … Read More »

Risk and Protective Factors for Adolescent Sexual and Reproductive Health in Developing Countries

Fundamental risk and protective factors, associated with adolescent sexual and reproductive health outcomes, can be explained in three different levels. At the individual level, being married, older, having employment, and drinking … Read More »

Sexual and Reproductive Healthcare Market

Bangladeshi poor women and men prefer informal healthcare providers for common sexual and reproductive health problems; such as white discharge, fistula, prolapse, menstrual problems, reproductive and urinary tract infections, and sexual … Read More »

Parents’ View regarding Reproductive and Sexual Health Education for Adolescents

In the context of Bangladesh, there is considerable positive attitude of parents toward adolescent reproductive health education, including a positive environment for introducing reproductive and sexual health education in schools. However, … Read More »

Mathematical Modeling Applied to Understand the Dynamical Behavior of HIV Infection

The study of viral dynamics of HIV/AIDS has resulted in a deep understanding of host-pathogenesis of HIV infection from which numerous mathematical modeling have been derived. Most of these models are … Read More »