Maternal Complications of Menstrual Regulation

Menstrual Regulation (MR) complications are few of the significant cause behind maternal morbidity and mortality in Bangladesh. MR is a broadly popular birth control practice in our country. It is safe, … Read More »

Complications after Menstrual Regulation

Most of the women who go to have Menstrual Regulation, already have three children and don’t want any additional children. Also in order to delay pregnancy or spacing the next child, … Read More »

Reducing Unsafe Menstrual Regulation through Medication in Bangladesh

In Bangladesh, the risk of maternal morbidity is rising because of increased number of unsafe Menstrual Regulation (MR). Menstrual regulation is mainly conducted through manual vacuum aspiration (MVA) which have some … Read More »

Women’s Experiences with Medication for Menstrual Regulation

The use of medication for menstrual regulation is new in our society. Women were strongly influenced by health providers when deciding which method to use. There is a need to educate … Read More »

Impact of Good Family Planning Services in Reducing Abortion

Abortion rates are significantly lower in the area with better family planning services. Abortion of unintended pregnancies is similar in both areas. However, the higher levels of contraceptive use in the treatment … Read More »

Training and Service on Menstrual regulation in Bangladesh

Physician providers are mostly serve clients from a higher socioeconomic status. On the other hand, paramedical providers are more likely to serve MR clients from lower socioeconomic status. Most of the women receiving … Read More »

Occurrence of Menstrual Regulation and Abortion

Despite of having highly restrictive abortion law, Bangladesh has menstrual regulation (MR) services as part of the government family planning program. There is no updated national estimates of MR and abortion … Read More »

History of Menstrual Regulation in Bangladesh

Only in order to save the life of a pregnant women, induced abortion is permitted in Bangladesh. Initially in 1979, legalization of abortion on medical and social grounds was proposed which … Read More »

Menstrual Regulation, An Innovative Reproductive Healthcare

In Bangladesh, abortion is legally restricted as it is considered as a crime. However, in order to reduce female morbidity and mortality associated with indigenous abortion, Bangladesh government introduced early menstrual … Read More »

The Changing Perceptions regarding Hijra in South Asian

In South Asian societies, the third gender called hijra has been in the culture as well as in religion since ancient times. In these societies, it was believed that hijras have … Read More »