Electoral violence in Bangladesh

Focusing on the confrontational bipolar political system of Bangladesh, this paper attempts to examine electoral violence, electoral accountability, and the challenge of a ‘credible’ election. In order to understand the electoral … Read More »

Bangladesh Health and Injury Survey Report on Children

The Bangladesh Health and Injury Survey (BHIS) is the largest injury survey ever conducted at the community level in a developing country, with a sample size of 171,366 households and a … Read More »

Gender Norms and violence against women

The current study explores rural Bangladeshi men’s support for gender norms, beliefs, and attitudes concerning violence against women, and looks at how these are influenced by men’s age, marital status, education, … Read More »

Association of parent’s violent behaviour and Violence in adult life of children

This study done in Bangladesh utilised data from 2007 BDHS (Bangladesh Demographic and Health Survey). It was found that men who witnessed violent behaviour between parents were more likely to exhibit … Read More »

Public-Health Response of Spousal Violence in Bangladesh

Spousal violence is a severe public-health issue in Bangladesh. This issue is complicated one as it is traditionally and socially sensitive issue. In Most of the women’s lifetime, they must experience … Read More »

World Scenario of Sexual Violence

One of the common and serious public health problem is sexual violence. The occurrence of sexual violence is common in all over the world. Sexual violence is mainly driven by economic, … Read More »

Climate Change, Disaster and Gender Vulnerability: A Study on Two Divisions of Bangladesh

  Abstract Bangladesh has become synonymous for climate change induced natural disasters. The environmental consequences of climate change affect men and women differently. Research reveals that disasters reinforce, perpetuate and increase … Read More »

Risk of Marital Sexual Violence in Bangladesh

Sexual violence against women has direct impact on women’s health. In Bangladesh, the probability of a woman to be sexually abused increases if she is young and illiterate and hails from … Read More »

Sexual Violence towards Married Women in Bangladesh

Sexual violence is an alarming issue of our society. In Bangladesh, sexual violence is more frequent and severe towards married women by a male intimate partner than stranger. In rural areas, … Read More »

Introducing Medical Menstrual Regulation in Bangladesh

There are women in Bangladesh who decide to do menstrual regulation (MR) to avoid unwanted and unplanned childbearing. The feasibility of introducing menstrual regulation with medication (MRM) services in Bangladesh is … Read More »