Socio-cultural Context of Child Marriage

The number of child marriages is declining in Bangladesh. However, the predominant patriarchal values of the society have not changed. It was believed earlier that education and economic solvency would liberate … Read More »

Effects of Child Marriage in Bangladesh

Child marriage has crucial social, psychological and health consequences. It is not only recognized as a human rights violation, but also a barrier to individual and social development. There are plenty … Read More »

Association between Education and Girl Child Marriage

Education is one of the prime aspect in reduction of child marriage. In this aspect, ensuring only primary education for girls is not enough. Secondary education is more protective strategy against … Read More »

Contextual Effect on Child Marriage in Bangladesh

The risk of child marriage decreased over time in Bangladesh. The risk is higher among rural residents, the Muslims and the poorest. Education women is one of the most important factor … Read More »

Impact of Child Marriage: when the Mother is a Child

Social vulnerabilities heighten the risk for girl child marriage which is a global concern. Marrying off minor aged girls is a common phenomenon in rural and impoverished areas with low access … Read More »

Menstrual Regulation in Bangladesh

Abstract : Menstrual regulation (MR) has been part of the Bangladesh family planning program since 1979. However, clandestine abortion remains a serious health problem in Bangladesh, and anecdotal reports indicate that clandestine … Read More »

Stop Child Marriage: Spotting the Root Causes

Child marriage continues to be a reality for many of the world’s girls because of a variety of factors. These include poverty, lack of education and job opportunities, insecurity in the … Read More »

The Contemporary Factors for Child Marriage in Bangladesh; A Statistical Analysis

Summary: At present Bangladesh is the fifth highest country of child marriage in the world while 18 percent of girls got married before age of 15 and 52 percent before age of … Read More »

Adolescent Sexual and Reproductive Health in South Asia

The health needs of the adolescents are much different from the needs of adults. These health needs need to be addressed and achieved. At the same time, the adolescents need to … Read More »

Sex-selective Abortions in South Asia

In South Asian countries, most of the people prefer to have a son than daughter. In these societies, women are very less respected and have low social status. Despite of having … Read More »