Physical Violence by Husbands in Bangladesh

In both, rural and urban areas of Bangladesh, there is a high prevalence of lifetime physical spousal violence against women. Among these abused women, more than half of them are silent … Read More »

Women’s Status and Domestic Violence in Rural Bangladesh

In rural areas of Bangladesh; increased education, higher socioeconomic status, non-Muslim religion, and extended family residence to be associated with lower risks of violence. The effects of women’s status on violence … Read More »

Spousal Physical Violence Against Women in Bangladesh

Violence against women is a worldwide problem, transcending cultural, geographic, religious, social, and economic boundaries. The most common type of violence against women is domestic violence perpetrated by intimate partners. Dowry or other … Read More »

Domestic Violence in Rural Bangladesh

In rural Bangladesh, women’s social and economic circumstances may influence their risk of domestic violence. Although the pervasiveness of domestic violence against women in Bangladesh is well documented, specific risk factors are … Read More »

Prevalence of Intimate Partner Violence

Physical and sexual partner violence against women is widespread. Violence against women is a serious human rights abuse and public health issue. This paper aimed  to estimate the extent of physical and … Read More »

Violence against Women in Bangladesh

Assessed prevalence of Violence against Women is extremely high in Bangladesh which is an obstacle to the atonement of equality, development and peace. Despite the seriousness of the problem in terms … Read More »

Global perspectives on the Sexual and Reproductive Health of Adolescents

Risks of poor health outcomes of adolescents is intensified due to development vulnerabilities. Universally, such vulnerabilities are affected by social and behavioral shifts. Regular investment in effective prevention and treatment strategies … Read More »

Nutrition in Adolescence: Issues and Challenges

Adolescence is a transitional period between childhood and adulthood with specific physiological, psychological and social features that have a bearing on nutrition problems and intervention strategies. Adolescents are a somewhat neglected … Read More »

What Works in Preventing Child Marriage?

Providing incentives and attempting to empower girls can be effective in preventing child marriage and can foster change relatively quickly. This paper identifies patterns in these programmatic responses and evaluations, and … Read More »

Changes in Prevalence of Girl Child Marriage in South Asia

Improvements in education of girls have huge contribution in reducing girl child marriage. At the same time, rural to urban migration have increased which is also another important factor in child … Read More »