Bullying at High Schools: Scenario of Dhaka City

Among the high school children, incidence of bullying is very common. According to this paper, there are seven forms of bullying such as verbal, emotional, exclusion, physical, sexual, cyber, and race, to be prevalent among high school children. Bullying affect large numbers of high school children in both Bangla and English medium. However, physical and emotional bullying were more common in Bangla medium schools. On the other hand; frequency of verbal, sexual, and cyber bullying were high in English medium schools. Students of grade 9 and 10 experienced more sexual and cyber bullying than other classes. For the bully, hostile home experience and attention seeking behavior are the major factors.

Opinion of parents, teachers and students about experiences and probable prevention plan were considered to work out a helpful intervention program for bullying in future. Educators, as well as professionals who work with children, should not only raise voice but take proactive role against bullying in school. It should be shared responsibility is taken up for informed knowledge, and adult intervention.


Mahmood S. and Islam S. (2017). Bullying at High Schools: Scenario of Dhaka City. Journal of Advanced Laboratory Research in Biology.


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