The Bangladesh Papers: A strong indictment of sexual violence against women

‘Of the Nation Born: The Bangladesh Papers’  is a book uncovering the hypocrisies and repressive attitudes towards the  female population in Bangladesh through the country’s  political, legal, medical and social history.
The book was recently  published  by Zubaan, an Indian independent publishing house, and with the support from the International Development Research Centre (IDRC).

As sexual violence against women in Bangladesh exists in a curious context of victim blaming and impunity for its perpetrators, an imminent need for intervention is required to combat this injustice.

Researchers and academics from five South Asian countries (Bangladesh, India, Pakistan, Nepal and Sri Lanka) took it upon themselves with a three-year-long research to initiate the Sexual Violence and Impunity project (SVI), which produced volumes of academic papers, one of which is entitled to Bangladesh.

The book contains a number of interviews, case studies and narratives from 1971 and beyond, and is beneficial for social workers, development practitioners, feminists, activists, state actors and anyone who realises the need for institutional and cultural reform regarding the culture of impunity that perpetuates sexual violence in the country.
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