Knowledge of Menstruation and the Practice of Hygiene among Adolescent Girls in Bangladesh

Background: Menstruation is a normal physiological phenomenon which is unique to female and a healthy normal, mature process for adolescent girls. Menstrual hygiene is therefore an essential part of basic hygienic practices. Poor hygiene practices may affect their health. Menstrual hygiene is an issue that needs to be addressed at all levels.

Objective: The purpose of this study was to assess knowledge of menstruation and practice of hygiene among adolescent girls in Bangladesh. Methods: The descriptive study design used convenient sampling technique 100 adolescent girls were recruited from Girls High School in Dhaka City. Self- structured questionnaire as follows, (1) The Demographic Data Questionnaire, (2) Experience of Menstruation related Questionnaire (3) Adolescent Knowledge of Menstruation Regarding Questionnaire, and (4) Adolescent Hygiene Practice of Menstruation Regarding Questionnaire was used to collected data. Correlation (r), t- test, and ANOVA were used for data analysis.

Results: The mean age of the adolescent girls was 15.11±1.127. The total mean of adolescent girls’ knowledge and hygiene practice regarding menstruation were
11.73±5.08 in maximum 16 score and 2.67± 3.18 in 4 point Likert scale respectively. There was a significantly positive relationship between knowledge and practice of menstruation among adolescents girls (p = <0.001).

Conclusion: The study illustrated the number of adolescent girls had good knowledge of menstruation and menstrual hygiene practice. Therefore, future study and educational program may be necessary for this type of population. In addition further research is also demand for factors identifying the knowledge and practice of adolescent with diverse adolescent girls.

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